

Your Time is precious. Invest it in giving your best shots. Invest this time to give yourself the shape that you have prepared in your mind. Break all the chains of self-doubts, and all those assumptions that are binding you in your mind. Life is short, You have limited time. If you have time in your hand today then just make its best use. Invest this time in your growth, love, positivity, actions, discipline, self-acceptance, self-improvements, self-love, courage, and showing gratitude for all your body, mind, and for all those assets that you have already got in your life. Invest it to help the needy ones, put your each and every possible effort. You will feel a deep calm and satisfaction in your soul and heart. Invest your time in bringing joy to your life. Life is a precious gift of GOD. Don't waste it in just worrying and running behind the meaningless things and peoples. The secret of your happiness and joy is hidden in your actions and the way you spent your time. I...


Whenever we rushed to do any task or work, it happened due to thoughts of the future. Due to which we couldn't pay our precious attention to the present moment that results in losing both the present and future. Whenever you observe that you are rushing over something that is not healthy then took a break for at least 5 mins. In this break close your eyes and count your breaths and start doing deep breathing. All the anxieties will get released by itself from your mind, body, and soul. This is the best way to come back into the present moment and work according to the present. 
Zeal, A Fire Within "The Zeal", the root element which is complete in itself to make your world the way you want to mold it.  It's your zeal which keeps you awake, it's your zeal which pushes you to try harder, it's your zeal to go extra miles, it's your zeal to give your best, it s your zeal which never let you give up, it's your zeal which keeps you motivated every single time with the vision to achieve your goal, and it's your Zeal which is super powerful. No outer circumstances can ever alter you if you have that zeal, hunger, and that gusto within to do achieve anything. No matter where you are or what you have, you always manage to get the things done by yourself.    Zeal is the real factor that leads you towards your independence, not only from outside but also from the inside.  Being dependent on some external things like books, podcasts, family, friends, journals, and sort of things can never lit up that desire and ...
SELF, The Soul...  Who is SOUL or SELF?  SOUL, the spiritual and divine part that resides within each of us. There is no difference between the term SELF AND SOUL.  Your SELF is your SOUL. Your SELF or Soul is way more power than you have ever imagined. Self is the one who can get access over your mind an use it as an asset. It is the one who can take you over the clouds by filling all your dreams. The one who is powerful and powered by the Almighty.  It's your SOUL, the part of you who warns you every single time before any crisis. You just need to listen to it keenly. Your soul is the one who always wants to remain pure, the one who is sufficient within and wants to liberate from dependencies, the one who is well aware of the right and wrong deeds. the one who gets stronger and more powerful by the essence of knowledge and truth, the one who is brave to do the hardest work, and the one who is beautiful but amorphous in the state.   ...
Solitude, A Bliss "Solitude, An eternal gift that you can offer yourself. The treasure box of love, joy, happiness, calm, peace, freedom, independence, the essence of divine power resides within all". Seems Awkward??? People often feel awkward to enjoy solitude, The essence of Liberty. They dwell themselves in the thought "what others will think and say about them?". Instead of investing precious time in the inner world, they start becoming dependent on the outer world to pass their time.  Addiction of the outer world veil them, obscuring the truth, They are ample for themselves, which leads them to license even those who are not worthy. It becomes hefty for them to rely on themselves for their indigence. Solitude can be confounded with "Loneliness" for many of us. People start disbelieving in their own will, by considering themselves alone and empty. They must intend to believe in themselves for their best p...
FIRST LOVE & SECOND LOVE LOVE, The fascinating and eternal feeling, we adventure throughout our life, whether it's family love or friendship, but the unfathomable essence of love acquire when we gravitate in love with any individual as #BETTER-HALF. We initiate perceiving the worth of Momentous one in our lives, concerning for them, make toil to see them happiest, joyful & lovable but in this scenario somewhere at the beginning, we forget our eternal MOMENTOUS BETTER HALF that is our FIRST LOVE.  Now you might get confused with the FIRST LOVE and  MOMENTOUS BETTER HALF. Everyone takes birth with an ETERNAL LOVER. FIRST LOVE & SECOND LOVE It gets complicated to control yourself and love yourself when you are in a relationship because you shower all your precious time, feelings and emotions to your momentous one. Loving yourself and pampering yourself in the best way is solely your sanity and to love more than your second...