SELF, The Soul...

 Who is SOUL or SELF?

 SOUL, the spiritual and divine part that resides within each of us. There is no difference between the term SELF AND SOUL. 

Your SELF is your SOUL. Your SELF or Soul is way more power than you have ever imagined. Self is the one who can get access over your mind an use it as an asset. It is the one who can take you over the clouds by filling all your dreams. The one who is powerful and powered by the Almighty. 

It's your SOUL, the part of you who warns you every single time before any crisis. You just need to listen to it keenly.

Your soul is the one who always wants to remain pure, the one who is sufficient within and wants to liberate from dependencies, the one who is well aware of the right and wrong deeds. the one who gets stronger and more powerful by the essence of knowledge and truth, the one who is brave to do the hardest work, and the one who is beautiful but amorphous in the state.  

Your soul always resides within you and remains with you in each and every condition of life.

Knowledge and right deeds are the two assets that strengthen you and your soul in the best way.

You, your Soul, or your self all are the same. You just need to aware of the powers which you carry and use them for the welfare of firstly yourself and then for the welfare of the world. 

-Divyanshi Singhal 


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