
Showing posts from July, 2020


Your Time is precious. Invest it in giving your best shots. Invest this time to give yourself the shape that you have prepared in your mind. Break all the chains of self-doubts, and all those assumptions that are binding you in your mind. Life is short, You have limited time. If you have time in your hand today then just make its best use. Invest this time in your growth, love, positivity, actions, discipline, self-acceptance, self-improvements, self-love, courage, and showing gratitude for all your body, mind, and for all those assets that you have already got in your life. Invest it to help the needy ones, put your each and every possible effort. You will feel a deep calm and satisfaction in your soul and heart. Invest your time in bringing joy to your life. Life is a precious gift of GOD. Don't waste it in just worrying and running behind the meaningless things and peoples. The secret of your happiness and joy is hidden in your actions and the way you spent your time. I...


Whenever we rushed to do any task or work, it happened due to thoughts of the future. Due to which we couldn't pay our precious attention to the present moment that results in losing both the present and future. Whenever you observe that you are rushing over something that is not healthy then took a break for at least 5 mins. In this break close your eyes and count your breaths and start doing deep breathing. All the anxieties will get released by itself from your mind, body, and soul. This is the best way to come back into the present moment and work according to the present.